Cattlemen’s Days Sponsorship Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Cattlemen’s Days Sponsor.
Sponsors make Cattlemen’s Days possible.
Cattlemen’s Days Sponsorship Opportunities
Cattlemen’s Days sponsorship time is here! We appreciate your continued support and want to say, “Thank You!” Without our local sponsors, this event would not be possible!
After the Available Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities, you will find the sponsorship commitment page, which you can fill out and return by May 24, 2024 with your sponsorship preference. If you’re interested in putting an ad in the rodeo program book, please submit your ad copy by June 2, 2024. We offer the option to have your business website or email linked from the Cattlemen’s Days website for year-round advertising.
Our sponsors, community support, and Western Heritage keep this tradition alive in our amazing valley. Thank you all for your support! We look forward to putting on a great celebration for you in 2024!
Let’s Rodeo!
Larry Allison, Sponsorship Chair 972-948-7475
Brad Tutor, Cattlemen’s Days President 970-275-2923
& The entire Cattlemen’s Days Committee
We would appreciate your Sponsorship or Advertising Commitment by May 24, 2024.
PO Box 1203, Gunnison, CO 81230
Download the 2024 Sponsorship Packet & Commitment Form (PDF).
Send in your Sponsorship Commitment by filling in the online form below or by mail. Descriptions of Sponsorship Opportunities are below the form.
Deadline: May 24th, 2024.
Online Cattlemen’s Days Sponsorship Commitment Form
Payment Options
There are two options to pay for your Sponsorship or Advertising Commitment: 1) online, or 2) by mail. Submit your commitment by May 24, 2024.
Payment by Mail
Please make your check out to Cattlemen's Days, Inc.
Send your check and commitment form to:
Cattlemen’s Days Inc.
PO Box 1203
Gunnison, CO 81230
Online Payments
If you would like to pay for your sponsorship online, click the button below or use the QR code for credit or debit card, Venmo, or PayPal options. Enter your Invoice Number (if you have one) or Company Name in the note field, the amount of your payment, and choose your payment method.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Cattlemen’s Days 2024 PRCA Rodeos
All sponsorships include recognition by the announcer during each rodeo performance and acknowledgement in the daily program, as well as the other benefits listed!
PRCA Event Sponsor: Saddle Bronc – $2000
Promote your business by sponsoring Saddle Bronc, one of the PRCA Rodeo Events that make up the Cattlemen’s Days Rodeo Performance!
Cattlemen’s Days Annual Dance – $2000
In conjunction with 5B’s BBQ after the TETWP Thursday night rodeo, a country western live band for entertainment and dancing.
- Announcer acknowledgement Thursday Night
- A 3’x7’ banner (at sponsors expense) hanging on the north end of the grandstand
- 4 Grandstand Tickets for each PRCA performance
- 4 Dance Tickets
PRCA Event Rifle Award – $750
In addition to a cash award , each PRCA event winning contestant will receive a custom engraved Weatherby rifle.
- 2 Grandstand and 2 General Admission tickets for each PRCA performance
Contract Personnel Sponsors – $1800
5 Sponsorships – 2 Available
The announcer, the music, the entertainment… all the pieces that make the rodeo, THE RODEO!
Music Director – Randy “Stretch” Meyer, multi-year PRCA Music Director of the Year Nominee: Available
Announcer: Christopher Klein Construction, Inc.
Barrel Man: Miller Furniture
Specialty Act: Gunnison County Abstract
Drill Team – Latigos Up Drill Team: Available
- Sponsor acknowledgment during the Cattlemen’s Days parade (Saturday)
- 4 Grandstand Tickets and 4 General Admission for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 1 on-grounds parking pass for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
Cattlemen’s Days Scholarship Sponsors – $1500 per Sponsorship
A great way to give back to three Gunnison High School seniors that are active participants in 4-H and FFA.
- Acknowledgement of your sponsorship with scholarship recipients at the 4H Livestock Sale.
- 10 VIP passes for that night’s PRCA Rodeo Performance
Cattlemen’s Days Royalty Sponsors – $500 per Sponsorship
Help defray the cost of Cattlemen’s Days Royalty expenses.
- 2 Grandstand Tickets and 2 General Admission for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 1 on-grounds parking pass for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
Cowboy Sponsor – $200
Let’s help get our cowboys down the rodeo road! All funds go to the prize purses and the experience for our contestants.
- Cowboy Sponsor ball cap
Spur Club Donors – Any amount welcome
Thank you! Your support goes a long way in putting on this great event!
- Includes a listing in our rodeo program as a sponsor
Advertising Opportunities
Cattlemen’s Days PRCA Rodeos
Construction of all sign & banner advertisement is the responsibility of the sponsors.
Arena Banner – $800/year
- 3’x7’ canvas banner hung on the inside of the arena fence
- 2 Grandstand and 2 General Admission tickets for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
Exterior Arena Rail Sign – $600/year
The perfect advertising location for your business sign on the racetrack and arena fences in front of the grandstands. Seen by all fans and spectators!
- 2’x7’ hard sign on the arena entrance/exit gate
- 2 Grandstand and 2 General Admission tickets for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
Grandstand Sign – $750/year
Hang your sign on the ends of the Grandstands, visible from the entry gate or the beer tent!
- 2’x7’ hard sign on the arena entrance/exit gate side of the grandstand
- 2 Grandstand and 2 General Admission tickets for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
Rodeo Action Video Display Board Advertisements
A bright 8’x14’ Video Board that displays Live Action, Replays, Leader Board and more. We will need a digital copy of your logo for any of these ads (.png format).
Contestant Bios – $1,500
- Your logo with every contestant for all 3 PRCA Rodeo Performances, up to 210 impressions per performance!
- Sponsor recognition from Announcer during each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 2 Grandstand Tickets, 2 General Admission for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 1 on-grounds parking pass for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
Timing Board – $1,500
- Your logo in the corner for every event time clock, multiple impressions per performance
- Sponsor recognition from Announcer during each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 2 Grandstand Tickets, 2 General Admission for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 1 on-grounds parking pass for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
Replay Board: – Rough Stock Event Replays or Timed Event Replays – $1500 (1 of each available)
- Your logo in the corner of each Rough Stock Ride or Timed Event Replay during all 3 PRCA Rodeo Performances
- Sponsor recognition from Announcer during each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 2 Grandstand Tickets, 2 General Admission for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 1 on-grounds parking pass for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
Opening Ceremonies – $1200
- Your logo in the corner during the opening ceremony for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- Sponsor recognition from Announcer during each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 2 grandstand tickets for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
Leader Board – $1200
- Your logo in the corner of the leaderboard for each event (7) during each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- Sponsor recognition from Announcer each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 2 Grandstand Tickets for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
30 Second Ad – $800 per night
- Your 30-second ad will run three times during that night’s PRCA Rodeo Performance
- Sponsor recognition from Announcer during that night’s PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 2 grandstand tickets for that night’s PRCA Rodeo Performance
Ticket and Wristband Advertisements
Contact Beth Wyman (970-275-9634) for more information or
General Admission Wristband
- .5”x5” – $500/year
Cattlemen’s Days Program Advertisements
Designed for small or large businesses, with several sizes and prices to fit your budget! This program will travel all over with the rodeo fans that visit our beautiful valley.
- Business Card – $200
- ¼ Page Ad – $300
- ½ Page Ad – $500
- Full Page – $750
- Cover Page (front inside or back inside) – $1500
- Back Cover – $2000
Donation Opportunities
Cattlemen’s Days TETWP/ Bucking Cancer Initiatives: Our #1 TETWP rodeo on Thursday night adds a separate purse for the winning rodeo athlete if they are wearing a PINK shirt which is matched by WRANGLER through their Bucking Cancer program. Any donations to Cattlemen’s Days TETWP support our cancer programs and are tax deductible.
Junior Cattlemen’s Committee: Junior Cattlemen’s Committee consist of local youth who are interested in service to the Gunnison community. They assist with multiple tasks and behind the scenes chores beneficial for an enjoyable rodeo.
Cattlemen’s Days Royalty: Cattlemen’s Days Royalty are role models in our community, exemplifying the Western way of life and actively sharing their passion for Gunnison Cattlemen’s Days. Royalty members attend dozens of local events throughout the year and travel to rodeos all around Colorado. Donations will mitigate the cost of travel, equipment and promotional expenses as they represent Gunnison Cattlemen’s Days Rodeo across Colorado.
Horse Show / Ranch Rodeo Sponsorship Opportunities
Cattlemen’s Days Open Horse Show Sponsor
Please call Ivy McNulty (970-275-0043) for more information on becoming an Open Horse Show Sponsor. We welcome support for this traditional event!
Ranch Rodeo & Watershed Events – Team Roping and Barrel Racing
Please contact Brad Tutor (970-275-2923) for more information or to become a sponsor of one of our other Rodeo events. Contact Mitch Guerrieri (720-878-5150) for Team Roping information and Keri George (720-320-1829) for Barrel Racing information.
Title Sponsor (3 available) – $600
- Public address announcements during the Ranch Rodeo
- Sponsor acknowledgment on the Cattlemen’s Days website
- Facebook promotion of your business before and after the event
- Sponsor acknowledgment in our rodeo program
- 2 Grandstand and 2 General Admission Tickets for Saturday Night PRCA Rodeo Performance
- Ranch Rodeo Champions Picture with your Banner for your business
Ranch Rodeo Event Sponsor (8 available) – $300 per event
- Public address announcements during the Ranch Rodeo
- Sponsor acknowledgment on the Cattlemen’s Days website
- Facebook promotion of your business before and after the event
- Sponsor acknowledgment in our rodeo program
- 2 General Admission Tickets for Saturday Night PRCA Rodeo Performance
Ranch Rodeo General Sponsors – $250
- Public address announcements during the Ranch Rodeo or Ranch Team Sort (your choice)
- Sponsor acknowledgment in our rodeo program
- Facebook promotion of your business before and after the event
- 1 General Admission Ticket for Saturday Night PRCA Rodeo Performance
Top Hand Sponsor – $1000
- Public address announcements during the Watershed Event
- Sponsor acknowledgement on the Cattlemen’s Days website
- Facebook promotion of your business before and after the event
- Sponsor acknowledgement in our rodeo program
- 2 Grandstand and 2 General Admission Tickets for Saturday Night PRCA Rodeo Performance
- Champions Picture with your Banner for your business
Waiting List Sponsorships
All sponsorships include: recognition by the announcer during each rodeo performance and acknowledgment in the daily program, as well as the other benefits listed!
The Cattlemen’s Days Committee would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to those sponsors who have an unwavering dedication to the Gunnison Cattlemen’s Days Rodeo. Without your total dedication, the rodeo would not be the extraordinary event that it is. Therefore, the Sponsorships with business names attached to them are already taken. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please let us know.
Nightly Presenting Sponsor – $5800 (per night) – 3 Nights
Thursday Night: Dos Rios Golf Club
Friday Night: KD Custom Builders, Inc.
Saturday Night: Western Lumber
GOLD BUCKLE VIP Booth Sponsor – $2300 (or $800 per performance)
- 5 B’s BBQ
- Cross Bar Ranch/Trout Creek Engineering/Jennifer Barvitski Architect
- Holden Village/Two Miles Property
- Blue Valley Carpentry/Jody Reeser
- Mountain Sunrise Wellness / Summit Global Private Wealth
- O’Hayre & Dawson, PC
- Pike Builders
- Professional Contractors Inc / Rocky Mountain Vet
- Wet Grocer
**These are usually sold out, but we are happy to put you on a waiting list if your business is interested in one!
Golden Circle of Champions Sponsor – $3500
Help a child with cancer beat this disease!
New Sponsor: Timberline Enterprises & Services LLC
- 4 Grandstand Tickets and 4 General admission to each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- 1 on-grounds parking pass for each PRCA Rodeo Performance
- Recognition on the 8×14 video board.
Host Hotel & Host Restaurant Sponsorships – $2400 – 1 Sponsorship for Each
Promoting the best place to stay and the favorite place to grab a bite to eat for our cowboys and fans!
- Palisades Restaurant
- Days Inn & Suites, Comfort Inn & Suites, The Wingate
Bucking Chutes, Center Out-Gate, Out-Gate Side Panel Sponsors – $2400 (Out-Gate) – 1 Out-Gate , $2400 (Out-Gate Side Panels) – 1 Set of Side Panels , $2000 (Bucking Chute) – 6 Bucking Chutes
Promote your business with your name and logo on a chute gate, in the center of where all the action happens!
- Chute #1 Turquoise Junction/The Gun Room
- Chute #2 Gunnison Savings & Loan
- Chute #3 Lacy Construction
- Chute #4 Gunnison Valley Health
- Chute #5 M4 Ranch Group
- Chute #6 Gunnison Country Times
- Center Out Gate: Spallone Construction
- Out Gate Side Panels: CSI, Concrete Systems Inc
Event Sponsors – $2000 per event, 8 Sponsorships
Promote your business by sponsoring one of the PRCA Rodeo Events that make up the Cattlemen’s Days Rodeo Performance!
- Bull Riding: Wet Grocer
- Saddle Bronc Riding: Holden Village
- Bareback Riding: Gene Taylor’s Sporting Goods
- Tie Down Roping: Gunnison Materials
- Steer Wrestling: Castleton Ranch
- Barrel Racing: Prime Performance Nutrition
- Team Roping Header: Gunnison Valley Health
- Team Roping Heeler: Hitch N Stitch Custom Embroidery
- Breakaway Roping: Cathy Carpenter Dea and Peter Dea
Scoreboard Sign – 3
All eyes are on the scoreboard after each Bull ride, Saddle Bronc ride, Bareback ride, or timed event performance. This is a premier advertising location!
- Scoreboard Top – $3500/year: Gene Taylor’s
- Scoreboard Side – $1800/year: Western Colorado University & Buff’s Collision
Interior Arena Gate Signs and Banners
Have your logo on the inside of the arena during the rodeo for everyone to see on a 2’x7’ hard sign.
- North Entry Gate, South Entry Gate, or Stripping Chute Gate – $1000/year:
Palisades Restaurant
Hearne Excavation
Sign Guys & Gal - Head or Heel Roping Box Gates – $600/year or both gates for $1000/year:
Heading Box –
Healer Box – Two Miles Property/Holden Village
Questions or Need more information?
Feel free to contact us.
Larry Allison, Sponsorship Coordinator – 972-948-7475
Beth Wyman, Ticket Coordinator – 970-275-9634
Ivy McNulty, Open Horse Show sponsorships – 970-275-0043
Please fill in the online form below or send your Sponsorship Commitment to:
Cattlemen’s Days Inc.
PO Box 1203
Gunnison, CO 81230
Thank you for your Cattlemen’s Days Sponsorship!
2025 Cattlemen's Days
There may be changes to the schedule.
FRI, JUNE 27 - 9:00 AM, 4-H Horse Show
SAT, JUNE 28 - 9:00 AM, District 4-H Horse Show
SUN, JUNE 29 - 9:00 AM, District 4-H Horse Show
JULY 2-5 - Carnival at the Fairgrounds
THU, JULY 3 - Mini Broncs and Mutton Busting
SAT, JULY 5 - 1:30 PM, Ranch Rodeo
SUN, JULY 6 - 8:00 AM, Open Horse Show
MON, JULY 7 - Cattle Drive Event
MON, JULY 7 - 8:30 - 11 AM, General Project Judging & Interviews (Concrete Room)
MON, JULY 7 - 9:00 AM, 4-H Dog Show
MON, JULY 7 - 6:30 PM, General Project Review/Awards (Concrete Room)
TUES, JULY 8 - 5:00 PM, Watershed Team Roping & Barrel Racing
WED, JULY 9 - 8:30 AM, 4-H Rabbit & Poultry Show (Rubber Room)
WED, JULY 9 - 2nd Annual Cattlemen's Days Golf Tournament
THU, JULY 10 - 9:00 AM, PRCA Rodeo Slack Events
THU, JULY 10 - 10:00 AM, 4-H & FFA Swine Show (Rubber Room)
THU, JULY 10 - 2:30 PM, 4-H & FFA Sheep Show (Rubber Room)
THU, JULY 10 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Golden Circle of Champions Rodeo
FRI, JULY 11 - 8:30 AM, 4-H & FFA Goat Show (Rubber Room)
*FRI, JULY 11 - 10:30 AM, 4-H & FFA Cattle Show (Rubber Room)
FRI, JULY 11 - 1:30 PM, Round Robin Showmanship (Competition between Showmanship winners of each animal species)
FRI, JULY 11 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Patriot Night Rodeo
SAT, JULY 12 - 10:00 AM, Cattlemen's Days Parade
AT, JULY 12 - 12:30 PM, Buyer BBQ (Rubber Room), $20 per person at the door
SAT, JULY 12 - 1:30 PM, Junior Livestock Auction (Rubber Room)
SAT, JULY 12 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Gunnison Ranchland Conservation Legacy Rodeo
SUN, JULY 13 - 9:00 AM, Cowboy Church at the Fairgrounds
Printable Schedule of Events (PDF) Coming Soon
Drop Us a Line
Don't be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!