Cattlemen’s Days Scholarship

Cattlemens Days Scholarship


Support and further the education of longtime 4-H/FFA exhibitors

by Cattlemen’s Days, Inc. and Concrete Systems, Inc.

P.O. Box 1203, Gunnison, CO  81230

Scholarship Recipients to be announced at the Jr. Livestock Sale


Application Due Date: May 1st of each year

Applications are available at the Gunnison County Extension Office, from Scott Nordberg, Gunnison FFA Advisor.

General Rules and Qualifications

1.       Applicant must be a graduate of Gunnison High School or Crested Butte High School.

2.       Applicant must have attended Gunnison High School or Crested Butte High School for at least two years.

3.       Applicant must have exhibited a 4-H or FFA project at Cattlemen’s Days, or qualified show*, for three of their four years in high school.

4.       Applicant must exhibit a 4-H or FFA project at Cattlemen’s Days the summer immediately following graduation from high school.

5.       Applicant must enroll in and attend a post-secondary institution of learning fall term following graduation.

6.       A copy of official transcripts must accompany application.

7.       Applicants must submit two letters of reference from non-related persons describing applicant’s character, leadership, responsibility, citizenship, and community involvement.

8.       Applicants may be requested to appear for an interview with the Scholarship Committee.

9.       Decision of the Scholarship Committee will be final.

10.    If recipient fails to attend school fall term following award of the scholarship, award will be forfeited to another applicant or carried forward to be awarded to a selected recipient in the future.

11.     Scholarship will be paid to institution in name of recipient.

12.     Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

          * Qualified show to be determined by County Extension Agent

2025 Cattlemen's Days

There may be changes to the schedule.

FRI, JUNE 27 - 9:00 AM, 4-H Horse Show

SAT, JUNE 28 - 9:00 AM, District 4-H Horse Show

SUN, JUNE 29 - 9:00 AM, District 4-H Horse Show

JULY 2-5 - Carnival at the Fairgrounds

THU, JULY 3 - Mini Broncs and Mutton Busting

SAT, JULY 5 - 1:30 PM, Ranch Rodeo

SUN, JULY 6 - 8:00 AM, Open Horse Show

MON, JULY 7 - Cattle Drive Event

MON, JULY 7 - 8:30 - 11 AM, General Project Judging & Interviews (Concrete Room)

MON, JULY 7 - 9:00 AM, 4-H Dog Show

MON, JULY 7 - 6:30 PM, General Project Review/Awards (Concrete Room)

TUES, JULY 8 - 5:00 PM, Watershed Team Roping & Barrel Racing

WED, JULY 9 - 8:30 AM, 4-H Rabbit & Poultry Show (Rubber Room)

WED, JULY 9 - 2nd Annual Cattlemen's Days Golf Tournament

THU, JULY 10 - 9:00 AM, PRCA Rodeo Slack Events

THU, JULY 10 - 10:00 AM, 4-H & FFA Swine Show (Rubber Room)

THU, JULY 10 - 2:30 PM, 4-H & FFA Sheep Show (Rubber Room)

THU, JULY 10 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Golden Circle of Champions Rodeo

FRI, JULY 11 - 8:30 AM, 4-H & FFA Goat Show (Rubber Room)

*FRI, JULY 11 - 10:30 AM, 4-H & FFA Cattle Show (Rubber Room)

FRI, JULY 11 - 1:30 PM, Round Robin Showmanship (Competition between Showmanship winners of each animal species)

FRI, JULY 11 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Patriot Night Rodeo

SAT, JULY 12 - 10:00 AM, Cattlemen's Days Parade

AT, JULY 12 - 12:30 PM, Buyer BBQ (Rubber Room), $20 per person at the door

SAT, JULY 12 - 1:30 PM, Junior Livestock Auction (Rubber Room)

SAT, JULY 12 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Gunnison Ranchland Conservation Legacy Rodeo

SUN, JULY 13 - 9:00 AM, Cowboy  Church at the Fairgrounds

2024 Cattlemen's Days Poster

Brochure Cover 2024Printable Schedule of Events (PDF) Coming Soon


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Don't be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!

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