Cattlemen's Days Parade
Cattlemen’s Days Parade Entry Form
Saturday, July 12th, 2025, 10:00 AM
Theme: To Be Announced
- Do not throw anything from your float!
People may walk on the edge of the street and pass out treats. - All entries to be judged must be lined up on North Colorado headed South at 8 am for judging at 9 am. Check with a parade official for your spot.
- Horse entries not being judged line up on South Colorado and South Taylor Street by 9 am. Do not block New York Street. It is the detour route. Check with an official for your spot.
- Car entries not being judged will gather on Georgia Ave. headed West. A parade official will assign your spot.
- All other entries not being judged will gather on Virginia Street behind Legion Park headed West.
- Groups: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Parade Marshals, VFW, Legion, Shriners, Reunions, Politicians, Bike Groups, etc. will gather in the Legion Park by the Legion Hut by 9 am. An official will be there to help you line up.
- All other entries will check in with a parade official at the Chamber of Commerce building for instructions.
- The parade will start promptly at 10 am. Late arrivals and all entries not entered by the closing date above will be placed at the end of the parade and no official announcements will be made about your entry.
- Politicians: There is a $50 entry fee for each politician entering the parade. All other entries are free. Please send fees to Cattlemen’s Days, P.O. Box 1203, Gunnison, CO 81230.
Contact Dustin White with questions at 970-901-6217
Online entries close Friday, July 11th, 2025 at 5:00 pm.
2025 Cattlemen's Days
There may be changes to the schedule.
FRI, JUNE 27 - 9:00 AM, 4-H Horse Show
SAT, JUNE 28 - 9:00 AM, District 4-H Horse Show
SUN, JUNE 29 - 9:00 AM, District 4-H Horse Show
JULY 2-5 - Carnival at the Fairgrounds
THU, JULY 3 - Mini Broncs and Mutton Busting
SAT, JULY 5 - 1:30 PM, Ranch Rodeo
SUN, JULY 6 - 8:00 AM, Open Horse Show
MON, JULY 7 - Cattle Drive Event
MON, JULY 7 - 8:30 - 11 AM, General Project Judging & Interviews (Concrete Room)
MON, JULY 7 - 9:00 AM, 4-H Dog Show
MON, JULY 7 - 6:30 PM, General Project Review/Awards (Concrete Room)
TUES, JULY 8 - 5:00 PM, Watershed Team Roping & Barrel Racing
WED, JULY 9 - 8:30 AM, 4-H Rabbit & Poultry Show (Rubber Room)
WED, JULY 9 - 2nd Annual Cattlemen's Days Golf Tournament
THU, JULY 10 - 9:00 AM, PRCA Rodeo Slack Events
THU, JULY 10 - 10:00 AM, 4-H & FFA Swine Show (Rubber Room)
THU, JULY 10 - 2:30 PM, 4-H & FFA Sheep Show (Rubber Room)
THU, JULY 10 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Golden Circle of Champions Rodeo
FRI, JULY 11 - 8:30 AM, 4-H & FFA Goat Show (Rubber Room)
*FRI, JULY 11 - 10:30 AM, 4-H & FFA Cattle Show (Rubber Room)
FRI, JULY 11 - 1:30 PM, Round Robin Showmanship (Competition between Showmanship winners of each animal species)
FRI, JULY 11 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Patriot Night Rodeo
SAT, JULY 12 - 10:00 AM, Cattlemen's Days Parade
AT, JULY 12 - 12:30 PM, Buyer BBQ (Rubber Room), $20 per person at the door
SAT, JULY 12 - 1:30 PM, Junior Livestock Auction (Rubber Room)
SAT, JULY 12 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Gunnison Ranchland Conservation Legacy Rodeo
SUN, JULY 13 - 9:00 AM, Cowboy Church at the Fairgrounds
Printable Schedule of Events (PDF) Coming Soon
Drop Us a Line
Don't be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!