Cattlemen’s Days
Open Horse Show
Cattlemen’s Days Open Horse Show
July 7, 2024, 8:00 AM
83rd Year
In Memory of Brett Redden & Vicki Wojdakowski
Thank you, Sponsors!
You are appreciated.
Online Entries Closed
July 2, 2024 at 10:00 AM.
Mail-in Form Option
Info, Regulations, & Classes
View 2024 Classes Online.
Download 2024 Classes PDF.

Brett Redden

Vicki Wojdakowski
Please follow us on Facebook
for announcements, reminders & updates.
Horse Show Information
ENTRY FEES: $5.00 per class (Age 8 & under are $ 2.00 per class)
ENTRY FORMS: There are three ways to send in entry forms.
Option 1: Online
Online entries closed July 2nd, 2024 at 10:00 AM.
Option 2: Mail
Download (PDF) and send in the form with payment to:
Michelle Zadra
151 Ute Lane
Gunnison, CO 81230
Option 3: Email
Download the Entry Form (XLS) and email the completed form to Payment will be made on the morning of the show.
FACILITY FEE: $5.00 per contestant
SCRATCHING OUT OF CLASSES AND REFUNDS: You may scratch out of any or all classes before 8:00 am the day of the show and receive a refund. You may also receive a refund with a vet note at any time.
PAYMENT: You may pay and pick up your back numbers on the morning of the show. The horse show secretaries will be at the announcer’s booth at 6:00 am.
• July 2, 2024 by 10:00 AM: NO LATE FEES
• ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER July 2, 2024 by 10:00 AM, up to the MORNING OF THE SHOW: Entry Fee = $10 per class
LEADLINE: Allowed only in classes 9, 15, & 25. Leadline must be separately attached to halter or bridle. Attached bridle reins do not constitute a leadline. *Leadline classes do not count towards high point.
STALLS: Are available 1st come 1st serve. We encourage you to please clean up your stalls.
STALLIONS: Will not be shown by contestants under 16.
DRESS CODE: Showmanship classes for Quarterhorse, Paint, and Appaloosa type horses per AQHA rule #471(d)(1). For Arabian and Saddlebred type horses per AHSA rule 1699E(c)(3). For all other classes per AQHA rule 445.
HATS: Loss of your hat at any time during the class or between the start and finish lines will result in disqualification.
AGE GROUPS: 8 & under, 9-13, 14-17, 18-25, and 26 & older as of January 1, 2024. Switching age groups will not be allowed.
EXCESSIVE FORCE POLICY: Per the voting board (Arena Judge/Trail Judge/ Horseshow Committee Chair) – Any abuse to our equine friends/partners will result in immediate disqualification from Cattlemen’s Days Open Horse Show. No refunds will be given.
OVERALL HIGH POINT AWARD/ RESERVE HIGH POINT: Will be given in each age group based on the contestant. Any number of horses may be shown by each contestant. All classes with age groups, including showmanship, will count toward high point awards. *ONLY ONE OF THE TRAIL CLASSES (Classic Trail) WILL COUNT TOWARDS THE OVERALL HIGH POINT AWARD.
High Point is calculated by a point system:
1st = 4 points
2nd =3 points
3rd = 2 points
4th = 1 point
In the event of a tie, the showmanship class will be used to break the tie (the contestant scoring the highest in the showmanship class).
SPEED EVENTS HIGH POINT AWARD – Will be given in each age group. The same scoring system will be used as in the overall high point.
ENGLISH DIVISION HIGH POINT AWARD – Classes 19-25 will count towards this award and will be given in 2 age groups: 17 & under and 18 & older. The same scoring system will be used as in the overall high point. In the event of a tie, the Open Hunter Under Saddle class will be used as a tie-breaker.
WESTERN DIVISION HIGH POINT AWARD – Classes 32-38 will count towards this award and will be given in 2 age groups 17 & under and 18 & older. The same scoring system will be used as in the overall high point. In the event of a tie, the Open Western Pleasure class will be used as the tie-breaker.
TRAIL HIGH POINT AWARD – The contestant MUST enter BOTH trail classes to be eligible for this award. Awards will be given in each age group. The same scoring system will be used as in the overall high point.
OPEN REINING CLASSES: Contestants off pattern will be asked to leave the arena.
OPEN CLASSES & HALTER CLASSES: These classes do not count towards the overall high point awards.
8 & under: 1st $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00.
9 & over classes and open classes: 1st $10.00, 2nd $7.00, 3rd $5.00.
AWARDS are given to Grand Champion in Halter Classes.
Any other questions or concerns, please contact:
Committee Chair – Ivy McNulty – 970-275-0043
Please follow the Cattlemen’s Days Horse Show Facebook Page for announcements, reminders, and updates.
2025 Cattlemen's Days
There may be changes to the schedule.
FRI, JUNE 27 - 9:00 AM, 4-H Horse Show
SAT, JUNE 28 - 9:00 AM, District 4-H Horse Show
SUN, JUNE 29 - 9:00 AM, District 4-H Horse Show
JULY 2-5 - Carnival at the Fairgrounds
THU, JULY 3 - Mini Broncs and Mutton Busting
SAT, JULY 5 - 1:30 PM, Ranch Rodeo
SUN, JULY 6 - 8:00 AM, Open Horse Show
MON, JULY 7 - Cattle Drive Event
MON, JULY 7 - 8:30 - 11 AM, General Project Judging & Interviews (Concrete Room)
MON, JULY 7 - 9:00 AM, 4-H Dog Show
MON, JULY 7 - 6:30 PM, General Project Review/Awards (Concrete Room)
TUES, JULY 8 - 5:00 PM, Watershed Team Roping & Barrel Racing
WED, JULY 9 - 8:30 AM, 4-H Rabbit & Poultry Show (Rubber Room)
WED, JULY 9 - 2nd Annual Cattlemen's Days Golf Tournament
THU, JULY 10 - 9:00 AM, PRCA Rodeo Slack Events
THU, JULY 10 - 10:00 AM, 4-H & FFA Swine Show (Rubber Room)
THU, JULY 10 - 2:30 PM, 4-H & FFA Sheep Show (Rubber Room)
THU, JULY 10 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Golden Circle of Champions Rodeo
FRI, JULY 11 - 8:30 AM, 4-H & FFA Goat Show (Rubber Room)
*FRI, JULY 11 - 10:30 AM, 4-H & FFA Cattle Show (Rubber Room)
FRI, JULY 11 - 1:30 PM, Round Robin Showmanship (Competition between Showmanship winners of each animal species)
FRI, JULY 11 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Patriot Night Rodeo
SAT, JULY 12 - 10:00 AM, Cattlemen's Days Parade
AT, JULY 12 - 12:30 PM, Buyer BBQ (Rubber Room), $20 per person at the door
SAT, JULY 12 - 1:30 PM, Junior Livestock Auction (Rubber Room)
SAT, JULY 12 - 6:45 PM, PRCA Gunnison Ranchland Conservation Legacy Rodeo
SUN, JULY 13 - 9:00 AM, Cowboy Church at the Fairgrounds
Printable Schedule of Events (PDF) Coming Soon
Drop Us a Line
Don't be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!